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OUR WORKS I Road constructions

Over the past years, our infrastructure projects have been extensive and complex. When creating roads, roundabouts, and intersections, we always prioritize ecological sustainability and traffic safety. The development of a road network is a driving force for the economic growth of regions. At Duna Group, we have the industry expertise, references, instruments, and human resources essential for large-scale road development.


M4-es autóút (Magyarország)

Pápa – Győr / Hungary / 2020 - 2023

Construction of the M83 Main Road / 2x2 Lane Main Road Between Pápa and Győr

The development of the M83 main road between Pápa and Győr was carried out in two separate sections, both essential for modernizing the transport infrastructure. The first section covered the area between the Pápa-Tét South junction, while the second extended from the Tét South junction to Győr. The overall length of the first section was of approximately 18.4 kilometres and included a physically separated 2x2 lane main road and the Airport connecting road. The second section involved similar developments, and was about the same length. Numerous engineering structures and junctions were built during the projects to enhance traffic efficiency along this route.


Debrecen / Hungary / 2021 - 2022

M35 Motorway / Reconstruction of the M35 - Main Road 354 Junction

The reconstruction of the M35 motorway and the 354 main road junction revitalized transportation in the area. The project involved extending the M35 road towards the Debrecen North-Western Economic Zone and connecting it to the so-called Southern boundary road. We had 14 months for the project, during which we transformed the main road into a modern cloverleaf junction. The projects included among others embankment construction, asphalting, and the installation of guardrails and planting of trees.


Wrocław / Poland / 2018 - 2024

Construction of the Alei Wielkiej Wyspy Urban Bypass

This is one of the largest road construction projects in the capital of Lower Silesia and the most anticipated by population, that connects Armii Krajowej Alley with Mickiewicza Street, and at the same time it is one of the largest and most expensive transport investments in Wrocław since World War II. The new route includes five engineering structures, spanning about one-third of the total route length, including one of Wrocław's largest bridges, the Olympic Bridge, and the Wolf's Corner Bridge. The Alei Wielkiej Wyspy (Great Island Road) includes 3.4 km of new road, 12.5 km of pavement, and 9.5 km of cycle paths.


Bóly — Ivándárda / Hungary / 2021 - 2024

Construction of the M6 Motorway Between Bóly and Ivándárda

The construction of the M6 motorway between Bóly and Ivándárda was a significant step in Hungarian transportation development. Over 36 months, 22 kilometres of motorway were built, featuring various grade-separated junctions and rest areas. Several bridges and engineering structures, including a bridge crossing a railway line, were constructed. The planned road repairs and corrections significantly enhanced traffic safety. Additional elements included engineering depots, offices, warehouses, and parking lots. Utility works were also a vital part of the project, including telecommunications, power supply, and water supply. With regard to its significance, this project is not just about building a motorway but also a cornerstone for regional development!


Miskolc — Tornyosnémeti / Hungary / 2017 - 2021

Construction of the M30 Motorway Between Miskolc and Tornyosnémeti

The construction project of the M30 motorway between Miskolc and Tornyosnémeti was a significant milestone in domestic transportation development. During the 44-month project, a 22.2 km long, 2x2 lane motorway was built, designed for a speed of 130 km/h. The designs included the construction of two grade-separated junctions, five national, and six municipal road intersections, as well as 20 bridge structures. Additional elements of the project included construction tasks related to passageways, cycle paths, noise barriers, rest areas, toilets, and environmental and water facilities. The preparation of the designs, obtaining permits, and construction required close cooperation at various stages. As a part of the modern transportation infrastructure development this project was crucial for the region.


Sosnowiec / Poland / 2019 - 2021

Expansion and Reconstruction of the DK-94 Main Road in Sosnowiec - Phase I: Expansion of the DK-94 and Długosza Street Intersection

This construction project was based on building a two-level intersection in the city of Sosnowiec on Długosza Street, which passes over the road DK-94. The reconstruction project included not only the intersections but also significant road sections. A 1.3 km new road DK-94 was created. A 300-meter section of Długosza Street was also renovated. During the reconstruction, noise barriers were built on both sides of the road, not only in the direction of Katowice but also in that of Kraków, significantly reducing noise levels in the affected area.


Makó / Hungary / 2013 - 2015

Motorway M43 / Construction of the Section Between Makó and the Romanian Border

This project was a milestone for Duna Group: awarded when it was still Duna Aszfalt Kft., it was implemented under the Széchenyi Program. Building a motorway is a pinnacle achievement for any civil engineering company, and this project allowed us to compete with an international field as a company exclusively owned by Hungarians and expand our portfolio, which has been growing for 17 years.

The M43 motorway section between Makó and the Romanian border was inaugurated in the summer of 2015. The project involved constructing a 23.1 km long section of the motorway. During the project a 2x2 lane motorway was built with several essential engineering structures and utilities. The project featured various technical innovations, including the creation of junctions and rest areas, as well as crossing railway lines.


Livada – Halmeu, Satu Mare – Baia Mare / Romania / 2011 - 2015

Rehabilitation of the DN1C and DN1C/19 Roads Between Livada and Halmeu, and Between Satu Mare and Baia Mare, with design and execution

One of Romania's critical infrastructure developments was the Livada-Halmeu and Satu Mare-Baia Mare road rehabilitation project. A total of 76 km of road was renovated, expanding the road width to 7 meters and the platform to 8-9 meters. This increased traffic capacity contributed to reducing urban traffic and improving driver comfort. The main goal of the project was to improve traffic safety and increase the efficiency of the road infrastructure. Special attention was given to restoring the rainwater collection and evacuation system during the implementation.


M4 motorway and expressway

Abony – Törökszentmiklós / Hungary / 2019 - 2021

M4 Expressway / Execution of the Section Between Abony (East) and Törökszentmiklós (West) (Northern Bypass of Szolnok), Construction of a New Tisza Bridge

The implementation of the M4 expressway's northern bypass of Szolnok, especially the construction of a new Tisza bridge, was crucial for regional development. A 2x2 lane expressway was built over an 8.54 km section. The project included the Törökszentmiklós (West) grade-separated junction and nine major engineering structures, highlighting the new Tisza bridge, with the largest span being 144.80 meters. The construction also involved preparing the necessary details of execution and obtaining the required permits. The project's duration was 30 months.


Berettyóújfalu – Nagykereki / Hungary / 2017 - 2020

Motorway M4 / Development of the Section Between Berettyóújfalu and Nagykereki

The second phase of the M4 motorway development between Berettyóújfalu and Nagykereki was a complex development. Spanning 32 months, it involved constructing a new 2x2 lane motorway and various facilities, such as rest areas, axle load measuring stations, and temporary border crossing points. During the project an overall of 20 bridges were built, with the largest span reaching up to 60 meters. Utilities such as telecommunications, water, and sewer networks were also constructed. The project involved significant designing tasks, including obtaining necessary permits and developing details of execution. The aim was to enhance regional infrastructure and improve traffic safety.


Cegléd / Hungary / 2016 - 2020

Expressway M4 / Construction and Designing of the Section Between M0 and Cegléd, Including Related Facilities

The development of the M4 motorway, especially of the section between M0 and Cegléd, was an important step in enhancing transportation infrastructure. The project aimed to create a 2x2 lane expressway, involving the construction of new routes and expanding existing sections. Approximately an overall of 30 km of road was built, including various junctions, intersections, and engineering structures. During the project, special attention was given to relocating utilities and establishing operational communication. The project's total duration was 33 months.

M44 Expressway

Szentkirály – Lakitelek / Hungary / 2020 - 2024

M44 Expressway / Implementation of the Szentkirály – Lakitelek section with reconnection towards Kecskemét and design and construction of related edifices

The realization of the M44 expressway section between Szentkirály and Lakitelek was an extremely significant project. The project had a deadline of 48 months, starting with its signing in 2020. During the designing and construction phase, we built a 2x2 lane expressway on the central section, which connected to the construction section between Lakitelek and Tiszakürt. Additionally, two bridges were constructed over the Peitsik stream and over road 4623, and grade-separated interchanges were established. Bicycle paths were also built along the planned route. Overall, the project significantly improved the transportation infrastructure of the region.


Kondoros – Békéscsaba, Fürjesi Junction / Hungary / 2019 - 2022

M44 Expressway / Construction of the Kondoros – Békéscsaba section (Fürjesi Road)

The construction of Fürjesi Road was a grand-scale project. We undertook the project with a 36-month deadline, during which several important facilities were created. A new 2x1 lane main road was built over a length of 5,100 meters, we reinforced the pavement of main road 44 and road 4432, and established three new roundabout junctions. In addition, bicycle paths and asphalted service road sections were constructed, and we protected drinking water and hydrocarbon pipelines. Creating street lighting at the roundabout junctions was also crucial during the construction.


Tiszakürt – Kondoros / Hungary / 2016 - 2019

M44 Expressway Tiszakürt – Kondoros Sections I and III

The M44 expressway Tiszakürt – Kondoros sections I and III involved large-scale road developments. During the implementation of section I, a new 2x2 lane expressway was built over a length of 20.5 km, with several bridges and junctions, as well as the reconstruction of utilities. Section III also brought about similar scale development, extending 20.4 km, with two grade-separated junctions and more than 60 cross roads. Simple rest areas and an engineering depot were also established in both sections. The implementation of both projects took 32 months per each section.


Lakitelek – Tiszakürt / Hungary / 2018 - 2021

M44 Expressway / Lakitelek – Tiszakürt section and related structures

The realization of the M44 expressway section between Lakitelek and Tiszakürt was a significant step towards transportation development. During the designing and construction phase, the 2x2 lane expressway was built over a length of 9.9 km, connecting to the ongoing construction section. An important part of the project was the construction of a new Tisza bridge, with the largest span of 152 meters. In addition, wildlife crossings, ecological and irrigation channel crossings were implemented, and grade-separated junctions were established. The construction of the Lakitelek engineering premises was also part of the project.


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