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“Worthily Commemorating a Great Engineer!”


M44 Szentkirály-Lakitelek / Mosonyi Rest Area

We fondly remember our late colleague, László Mosonyi, now commemorated with a rest area on the M44 highway! On April the 19th a complex rest area named after László Mosonyi was inaugurated on the Szentkirály-Lakitelek section of the M44, worthily honouring the outstanding professional in the Hungarian construction industry.

The M44 Szentkirály-Lakitelek construction project was initiated partly due to a referendum in Szentkirály, which stipulated that the village could only be connected to the planned expressway via a bypass. Consequently, the project implementer was obligated to design the bypass, manage the associated land development and expropriations. Therefore, the duration of the project was extended to 48 months as the tasks of the bypass were starting from scratch.

The contract for the construction of the Szentkirály-Lakitelek section of the M44 expressway was signed by Közgép Zrt., part of the Duna Group, in February 2020. Besides expressway M44, the entire project included the creation of a complex rest area (later named the Mosonyi László Rest Area), the renovation of routes 4622 and 4623, the construction of new bicycle paths along their entire section, the construction of three new roundabouts, and the addition of a direct turning lane in the “airplane” roundabout in Kecskemét. Construction of the main M44 section commenced in summer 2020, following the completion and approval of the details of execution.

The management of Duna Aszfalt Zrt. has always been dedicated to honouring the memory of their late project chief engineer, our colleague László Mosonyi, which led to the naming of the project's rest area after him.

During the summer in 2023, we completed nearly 600,000 m³ of earthworks, the Ckt base layer, and the asphalt layers for the 5 km main section. The rest area, which was already named the Mosonyi Rest Area by then, was completed in October 2023. The other project components (the renovation of routes 4622 and 4623, the construction of bicycle paths, roundabouts, and the Szentkirály bypass) were also completed in October 2023, and the contractual tasks were successfully handed over three months ahead of schedule on December the 12th 2023.

The rest area's lighting system is dynamic and smart, making its operation more energy-efficient, functioning like twilight-activated lighting across all lamp posts.

In the spring of 2024, we placed a commemorative stone made of Süttő limestone on both sides of the Mosonyi Rest Area, engraved with attributes characteristic of “Uncle” Laci. Each side of the rest area features a memorial site with these stones, which were unveiled ceremoniously on April the 19th 2024, in the presence of our founding owner László Szíjj and members of the Mosonyi family, paying a worthy tribute to this great Engineer and Man. It can be written in Hungarian as one and with capital letters: EngineerMan!

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