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An international milestone – Duna Aszfalt Zrt. has further been enlarged


With a considerably significant, active participant of Poland’s construction and real estate development market

Duna Aszfalt Zrt. has successfully acquired Mota-Engil Central Europe group of companies in Poland, a group that belonged so far to Mota-Engil SGPS SA having its roots in Portugal, supporting the business development plans of Duna Group in Central and Eastern Europe. The company that has newly joined Duna Group is a considerably significant, active participant in the construction and real estate development market of Poland.

The above transaction will enhance Duna Group’s international presence, strengthen its role in the construction industry, and help it achieve the status of a regional mid-sized enterprise owned by Hungarians.

The acquired Mota-Engil Central Europe (MECE) that has more than 800 employees is one of Poland’s leading companies in the construction industry. They have more than twenty-five years of experience in road and bridge construction, and excellent expertise with regard to the execution of buildings, railway construction and electric energy projects, road maintenance and real estate development.

Mota-Engil Central Europe will continue its operation in the future as Duna Polska S.A., already as a part of Duna Group, and MEREM, the company branch that deals expressly with real estate development will further operate in Poland under the name Duna Polska Real Estate Sp. z o.o., already as a member of Duna Group as well.

The leading-out of the Mota-Engil Central Europe brand name has been started, as well as the institution of the new Duna Polska with the acquired company, the related processes have already been launched.

Welcome to the Duna Group-family, Duna Polska S.A.! #dunagroup

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