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Our 13th Season with KTE Basketball Club


Duna Aszfalt continues to support Kecskemét Basketball as Title Sponsor

Already for the 13th season, Duna Aszfalt stands behind the Duna Aszfalt-DTKH Kecskemét basketball team as the title sponsor. The sponsorship agreement was renewed on September the 26th in a public press event, continuing a partnership that began in 2012.

Over the years, we’ve built a strong partnership with the club, with our goal to support Kecskemét’s youth in the sports world in the future too. László Tóth, Chairman of the Board of Duna Aszfalt Zrt., said: "We want to give as many young people as possible the chance to discover basketball and support them in reaching even the professional sports world."

We are excited for the new challenges of the 2024/25 season. Go, Kecskemét!

#DunaAszfalt #KTE #basketball

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