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A new Fire Truck in Tiszakécske – A major step for safety


Supporting Firefighters with Pride!

Significant improvements have been made at the local fire department in Tiszakécske, with the addition of a new high technology fire truck, funded with the support of Duna Aszfalt Zrt.

The new vehicle enhances fire safety not only locally but across the entire region. Equipped with a 6,800-liter water tank and modern tools, it is particularly effective in handling fires in outskirts areas.

The ceremonial handover took place on December the 12th 2024, at the Tiszakécske Municipal Fire Department. Fire Chief Béla Eszes remarked, "With this new fire truck, we now have access to such technical advancements that allow us to respond to emergencies even faster and more efficiently. We are grateful for the support, without which this would not have been possible."

Previously, we donated patient monitoring equipment to the Tiszakécske ambulance station. Now, we have supported the fire department with this new vehicle. This investment is a beautiful example of local collaboration and the generosity of supporters, contributing to the increased safety of the community.

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