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We won a Construction Excellence Award as well!


The Budapest southern railway bridge in the spotlight again

Our company has been honoured with the 2024 Construction Excellence Award for the reconstruction of the Southern Railway Bridge in Budapest. This prestigious recognition was awarded in the category of transportation facilities. The award ceremony took place on December the 12th at the year-end gala of ÉVOSZ (National Federation of Hungarian Contractors).

The bridge's reconstruction posed unique professional challenges, as the three new bridge structures had to be built while maintaining uninterrupted railway, road, and waterway traffic. The project not only strengthened and modernized the bridge but also contributed to the development of Budapest's transportation network. This successful implementation has opened new horizons for Hungarian railway transportation and represents a significant step for future developments.

It is a great honour for us that, after nearly 70 years, a new railway section has been built over the Danube in Budapest, creating long-term opportunities for the growth of urban and national railway transportation.

Congratulations to Our Colleagues!


A new era in transportation for the Sopron region has begun.

On December the 14th 2024, the final section of the M85 expressway was inaugurated, connecting the Sopron-North (Fertőrákos) junction with the national border. The most remarkable feature of this project is the 780-meter-long Bécsi-dombi twin tunnel, Hungary's first fully state-funded performance expressway tunnel.

The tunnel is equipped with the most advanced safety systems, including camera systems (34 cameras), fire alarms (84 fire and emergency call buttons), and ventilation fans (24 pieces) to ensure smooth and accident-free travel. During the construction, specialists worked tens of meters underground using mining methods.

Thanks to the M85 development, Sopron is not only directly integrated into the expressway network, but also the city is being completely bypassed. This reduces passing through traffic, making travel faster and safer.

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Supporting Firefighters with Pride!

Significant improvements have been made at the local fire department in Tiszakécske, with the addition of a new high technology fire truck, funded with the support of Duna Aszfalt Zrt.

The new vehicle enhances fire safety not only locally but across the entire region. Equipped with a 6,800-liter water tank and modern tools, it is particularly effective in handling fires in outskirts areas.

The ceremonial handover took place on December the 12th 2024, at the Tiszakécske Municipal Fire Department. Fire Chief Béla Eszes remarked, "With this new fire truck, we now have access to such technical advancements that allow us to respond to emergencies even faster and more efficiently. We are grateful for the support, without which this would not have been possible."

Previously, we donated patient monitoring equipment to the Tiszakécske ambulance station. Now, we have supported the fire department with this new vehicle. This investment is a beautiful example of local collaboration and the generosity of supporters, contributing to the increased safety of the community.

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The Southern Railway Bridge in Budapest is once again in the spotlight — and for a prestigious reason!

Our company had the honour of being recognized at the 12th Railway Bridge Engineers’ Conference, held November the 5th–7th in Herceghalom. The Railway Bridges Foundation awarded the Construction Excellence Award to our 2022-completed project: the Southern Railway Bridge over the Danube in Budapest. The esteemed award was received by our colleagues Tamás Sereg, Director of Bridge Construction, and Gábor Szabó, Project Manager, who played leading roles in the project and contributed significantly to its success with their outstanding professional performance.

The Southern Railway Bridge holds a special place in Hungary's transportation infrastructure. With nearly 150 years of history, it is the most significant and busiest railway bridge spanning the Danube in the country. Duna Aszfalt’s project encompassed raising the existing piers, constructing new abutments, modernizing the railway tracks, dismantling outdated bridge structures, and building three new superstructures.

The two old bridge structures to be dismantled weighed 5,200 tons, while the three new superstructures together weighed nearly 10,000 tons. One of the unique challenges of the project was ensuring uninterrupted railway, suburban railway, road, tram, and river traffic throughout the demolition and construction process. The assembly on-site involved Central Europe’s two most powerful floating cranes: the Clark Ádám and the Hebo Lift 8.

All three new superstructures were opened to traffic on schedule, within the planned deadlines.


Duna Aszfalt Zrt. donates to Kecskemét hospital again

This year, Duna Aszfalt Zrt. once again made a substantial donation to the development of the Bács-Kiskun County Teaching Hospital. The company donated 30 million HUF worth of equipment to modernise ear, nose, and throat surgeries. The new tools significantly aid in improving hearing surgeries and middle ear disease treatment operations, considerably enhancing patient safety.

We are proud to contribute to the development of Kecskemét Hospital. Since our company, Duna Aszfalt, was founded in nearby Tiszakécske, this region of the country holds a special place in our hearts. At Duna Group, we believe that supporting the community is an investment in the future, and we are committed to continuing this support.

The newly acquired modern nerve monitor, for example, enables nerve protection during such surgeries as parotid and thyroid gland procedures. The new equipment contributes to the efficiency and safety of surgeries, improving patients' recovery prospects.

Duna Aszfalt Zrt. is committed to the long-term support of healthcare institutions in the region.


Successful Project Visit for University Students #dunagroupexpress

On September the 27th, the Duna Group Express embarked on its first journey, taking an exciting exploration tour at the ZalaZONE automotive test track. The event attracted not only enthusiastic university students—the future builders of infrastructure—but also many of our colleagues, with more than 80 applicants showing interest in the program.

Why ZalaZONE?

Duna Group has been an active construction partner in creating the unique ZalaZONE facility from the beginning. The automotive test track employs cutting-edge technologies to develop and test autonomous and electric vehicles. The facility offers a variety of test environments, including urban and motorway simulations, off-road terrain, and smart city test zones. It serves as a research hub for future transportation technologies, producing world-class innovations even on an international scale.

Representing Duna Group, János Pék and Szabolcs Rosta led the tour, while Balázs Ritz from ZalaZONE guided the team through the site. The participants, who arrived in two buses, explored some of the test track’s most exciting locations: the Dynamic Platform, Motorway, Smart City Zone, and Braking Platform, all of which generated tremendous interest. The tour's highlight was the worldwide rarity finishing machine on the oval track— one of only just two in the entire world.

The feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive; everyone left with a unique experience, and many are already looking forward to the next similar program.

A big thank you to ZalaZONE for their hospitality!

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Duna Aszfalt continues to support Kecskemét Basketball as Title Sponsor

Already for the 13th season, Duna Aszfalt stands behind the Duna Aszfalt-DTKH Kecskemét basketball team as the title sponsor. The sponsorship agreement was renewed on September the 26th in a public press event, continuing a partnership that began in 2012.

Over the years, we’ve built a strong partnership with the club, with our goal to support Kecskemét’s youth in the sports world in the future too. László Tóth, Chairman of the Board of Duna Aszfalt Zrt., said: "We want to give as many young people as possible the chance to discover basketball and support them in reaching even the professional sports world."

We are excited for the new challenges of the 2024/25 season. Go, Kecskemét!

#DunaAszfalt #KTE #basketball

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This will be the 21st Danube Crossing on the Hungarian Reaches of the River

The construction site handover for the Mohács Danube Bridge project, carried out by Duna Aszfalt, took place alright. The next step is to issue the work commencement permit.

In late September, the construction site for the Mohács Danube Bridge was handed over, it is being implemented by the Duna Group's flagship company, Duna Aszfalt Zrt. This 756-meter-long bridge will connect the two river banks between Mohács and Újmohács and it will be Hungary's southernmost Danube bridge, developed as part of a project by the Ministry of Construction and Transport (ÉKM). The project includes not only the bridge construction but also the building of over 28 kilometres of road network, along with 13 additional related reinforced concrete bridges and underpasses for cyclists and frame engineering structures as well.

Permits necessary for the actual construction are expected by mid-October, after which first of all some archaeological, ammunition disposal and site preparation tasks will be completed. The primary construction works are expected to commence early next year.


With a considerably significant, active participant of Poland’s construction and real estate development market

Duna Aszfalt Zrt. has successfully acquired Mota-Engil Central Europe group of companies in Poland, a group that belonged so far to Mota-Engil SGPS SA having its roots in Portugal, supporting the business development plans of Duna Group in Central and Eastern Europe. The company that has newly joined Duna Group is a considerably significant, active participant in the construction and real estate development market of Poland.

The above transaction will enhance Duna Group’s international presence, strengthen its role in the construction industry, and help it achieve the status of a regional mid-sized enterprise owned by Hungarians.

The acquired Mota-Engil Central Europe (MECE) that has more than 800 employees is one of Poland’s leading companies in the construction industry. They have more than twenty-five years of experience in road and bridge construction, and excellent expertise with regard to the execution of buildings, railway construction and electric energy projects, road maintenance and real estate development.

Mota-Engil Central Europe will continue its operation in the future as Duna Polska S.A., already as a part of Duna Group, and MEREM, the company branch that deals expressly with real estate development will further operate in Poland under the name Duna Polska Real Estate Sp. z o.o., already as a member of Duna Group as well.

The leading-out of the Mota-Engil Central Europe brand name has been started, as well as the institution of the new Duna Polska with the acquired company, the related processes have already been launched.

Welcome to the Duna Group-family, Duna Polska S.A.! #dunagroup

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There was a Record Quick Interest in Participation.

The fifth edition of the Summer University, held from August 16th -18th , once again generated immense interest. Participants came from all over the country and even from beyond our borders to deepen their professional knowledge during the three-day program series.

This year, the focus of the Summer University, aimed primarily at civil engineering students, was on infrastructure development, with special emphasis on high-tech machinery and the latest technologies. The program offered a unique opportunity for future engineers to get a firsthand look at the construction processes of the M44 motorway and visit Duna Aszfalt’s central asphalt laboratory in Lakitelek. One of the event’s highlights was the visit to the new Flood Protection Training Center in Millér, near Szolnok, which is a unique facility even by European standards.

During the three days, participants not only attended lectures by the best domestic experts and visited ongoing projects, but they also gained in-depth knowledge on topics such as digitalization and InfraBIM.

According to our plans, the Duna Group Summer University will go on in 2025!

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