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Acquisition of Mota-Engil Central Europe


Duna Aszfalt Zrt. continues to expand in Poland.

Duna Aszfalt Zrt., a Hungarian expert in civil engineering, has signed an agreement with Mota-Engil SGPS SA to acquire the Mota-Engil Central Europe group, a significant and active player in Poland's construction and real estate development market, as a part of the Duna Group's Central and Eastern European business development plans.

To complete the acquisition of the company, approval is needed from the relevant Polish authorities and certain financial institutions, with the parties aiming to obtain these approvals in the first half of 2024.

The above transaction aims to increase the international presence of the Duna Group, strengthen its role in the construction industry, and achieve the status of a regional mid-sized enterprise owned by Hungarians.


The fifth Duna Group Summer University will be held in the summer of 2024.

Having been successfully running since 2020, the Duna Group Summer University will continue in 2024! Detailed information will be announced at the beginning of 2024.

What exactly is the Duna Group Summer University, who is it for, and what is it about?

  • Intensive, genuinely useful professional knowledge acquisition for university students in relevant fields
  • Behind-the-scenes insights into the infrastructure construction industry
  • An exciting "meeting point" for future infrastructure builders
  • Project tours – get up close with the country's most exciting road and bridge construction projects
  • Professional lectures from the leading experts in the field
  • Where BIM becomes more than just three letters – it becomes a reality
  • Networking – with industry leaders and fellow students
  • Free of charge, but participation requires prior registration and is supervised by a professional committee

Participating in the summer university can lay the groundwork for students to join the Duna Group team to complete their professional internships and launch their early careers. The intensive program is held once a year. For more information, please contact our HR division!


The Duna Bonum Foundation supported the Szolnok Autism Centre with a new playground.

The Duna Bonum Foundation helped the Autism Centre in Szolnok by building a new playground. The assistance of the foundation established by László Szíjj was realized through implementation by Duna Aszfalt Zrt., which involved installing four playground elements and four benches in the courtyard of the Unified Special Education Methodological Institution Kindergarten, Primary School, and Skills Development School’s Autism Center in Liget Street. Additionally, new sidewalk pavements and 60 square meters of impact-absorbing rubber flooring were installed.

Thanks to the Duna Bonum Foundation, more than 10 million forints were allocated for the equipment and the development of the playground at the Szolnok institution. The foundation's primary goal is to ensure that its support is directly felt by those who receive it. The request for assistance came from Barbara Bóka, the head of the Autism Centre, who relayed their needs in a detailed letter, emphasizing their importance.

Dr. Mária Kállay, a member of Parliament, attended the inauguration, highlighting the immeasurable love and care for children at the institution in question, where the staff has a mission. In connection with this, Mayor Ferenc Szalay stated that it is natural in Szolnok to care for children and adults with disabilities. Ferenc Hajnal, the institution's director, added that joy is essential for the children, and the new equipment supports both exactly this carefree enjoyment and equally important physical activity.


From today, the Gyula hospital welcomes patients with better and safer conditions thanks to the cooperation of Duna Aszfalt Zrt.

The Pándy Kálmán member hospital of the Békés County Central Hospital has received significant support: the previously dangerous and deteriorated 850 square meters of pavement has been completely renewed near the Semmelweis building, benefiting patients and visitors alike. Additionally, instead of a non-functional entrance lift, a new reinforced concrete ramp has been constructed to facilitate access to the institution.

The new pavement and reinforced concrete ramp were donated to the hospital by the contractor, Duna Aszfalt Zrt. Even at cost price, the value of this support exceeds twenty-five million forints.

"The road surface in front of the Pediatrics and Obstetrics-Gynecology departments in the Semmelweis building of the Pándy Kálmán Member Hospital has worn out significantly over the years. The new asphalt pavement, implemented by Duna Aszfalt Zrt. with proper rainwater drainage, has made access to the building safer. Ambulances, strollers, and pedestrians can now approach the building via the barrier-free, renovated section of the road," said Dr. László Becsei, the Chief Medical Director of Gyula Hospital.

The official handover ceremony was attended by Dr. József Kovács, Member of Parliament, Dr. László Becsei, Chief Medical Director, Béla Puskás, Regional Director of Duna Aszfalt Zrt., and László Tóth, Chairman of the Board of Duna Aszfalt Zrt.

"In the nearly 35-year history of our Company, charitable activities have always been of paramount importance, particularly in the healthcare sector, whether it's about renovation or equipment procurement; we are also present in the sports world as sponsors of several domestic teams," added László Tóth, Chairman of the Board of Duna Aszfalt Zrt.

The company regularly supports domestic healthcare institutions, as it did recently by providing the Bács-Kiskun County Teaching Hospital with equipment worth thirty million forints. The Pediatric Cardiology Department and Pulmonology Department of the Kecskemét hospital received each valuable instruments necessary for their work.


Kalocsa-Paks New Duna Bridge

Dear Visitors!

We are pleased to announce that the Kalocsa-Paks New Duna Bridge Visitor Centre will reopen for civil visitors on the following dates:

2023.05.26 (Friday) by 10:00 AM – Registration deadline: 2023.05.19 (Friday)

2023.06.30 (Friday) by 13:00 PM – Registration deadline: 2023.06.23 (Friday)

The minimum group size is 8, and the maximum is 15 participants. There will be one tour per occasion. We kindly inform interested parties that we are unable to accommodate groups without pre-registration and reaching the minimum number of participants.

For general public visitors, the planned program duration is 1 to 1.5 hours that includes a presentation of the project and the construction site with the help of interactive tools.

For engineers, investors, and operators, we offer the opportunity to view the project at specially arranged times.

Registrations can be made via email at paks_dunahid@dunaaszfalt.hu.



Kalocsa-Paks New Duna Bridge

Dear Visitors!

The Kalocsa-Paks New Duna Bridge Visitor Centre will once again be open to visitors on the following date:

November 25th 2022 (Friday) at 13:00 – For the general public
Registration deadline: by November 18th 2022 (Friday) at 12:00 PM

Minimum group size: 8 persons, Maximum group size: 15 persons. We can only accommodate one group per session. Please note that without prior registration and if the minimum group size is not met, we cannot host any groups. Program duration is for the general public: 1 to 1.5 hours, for technical visitors: 1.5 to 2 hours that includes an interactive presentation of the project and the construction site.

For engineers, investors, and operators special appointments can be arranged to view the project.

Registration can be made via email at paks_dunahid@dunaaszfalt.hu.


The Duna Group is relaunching the country's most comprehensive infrastructure engineering talent management program, the Duna Group Talent Management!

Our goal is to identify and train the engineers of the future for the Duna Group. By completing the program, you will be able to join any given project and perform independently from day one, gaining a significant advantage over those who require months of preparation.

You will have the opportunity to work on the country's most outstanding projects, whether it’s highway or bridge construction. Our 3-month training program covers everything from preparatory tasks to successfully handling projects. We lay emphasis on practical training within the program.

All this while you can successfully finish your university studies! You can even write your thesis with us!

So, if you want to work on the coolest infrastructure projects in the country, get to know the most advanced technologies, lay the foundation for your future, and even earn money, apply now for the Duna Group Talent Management Program!

General Structure of the Talent Management Program:
  • Start: September 2022
  • End: End of November 2022
  • Duna Group Talent Management Salary: 120,000 HUF/month net
  • Completion of Professional Practice: Yes
Eligibility Criteria for the Program:
  • Active student status in civil engineering or geodetic studies
  • State examination in January or June 2023
  • Completion of the application form on Jotform
  • Submission of a 1-minute introduction video to dunatehetseg@dunaaszfalt.hu
  • Submission of a CV

We look forward to your application. For more details, feel free to contact the project leader!

Project Leader: Péter Kincses
+36 30 747 7053


Kalocsa-Paks New Duna Bridge

Dear Visitors!

The visitor centre of the New Kalocsa-Paks Duna Bridge is open on the following dates:

September 30th 2022 (Friday) by 1:00 PM – For general public interest – Registration deadline: September 26th 2022 (Monday) by 12:00 PM

October 28th 2022 (Friday) by 1:00 PM – For general public interest – Registration deadline: October 24th 2022 (Monday) by 12:00 PM

The minimum group size is 8 persons, and the maximum is 15 persons. There is only one tour available per session. We would like to inform interested parties that without prior registration and meeting the minimum group size, we are unable to accommodate groups. The planned program duration is 1-1.5 hours for general public visitors and 1.5-2 hours for technical visitors, including a theoretical presentation with interactive tools. The registration deadline is by 12:00 PM on the Monday of the respective week.

For engineers, investors, and operators, we offer the opportunity to view the project at separately arranged times.

Registration can be made via email at paks_dunahid@dunaaszfalt.hu.


The place, where you can know the future infrastructure builders.

Welcome to those who have been invited by the Duna Group to the third Summer University!

This year marks the third occasion we organize the alma mater for civil engineering students, the Duna Group Summer University. Our professional event series aims to personally introduce the future builders of infrastructure to each other already during their student years in a relaxed atmosphere.

The four-day program series of the Duna Group Summer University is completely free for the invitees!

We aim to provide participants with an opportunity to gain insight into the behind-the-scenes aspects of the infrastructure construction profession while potentially forming lifelong acquaintances with students from the five invited universities.

The Duna Group Summer University will once again feature the most interesting programs, with a central focus on innovation, particularly infraBIM. Accordingly, we will visit one of the country's most significant bridge construction projects in Paks, followed by a visit to the ZalaZone test track, which is considered a rarity at the European level. For the first time this year, the Duna Group Talent Program, the most comprehensive engineering training program alongside university education, will also be introduced.

In addition to industry topics, team-building will also have a place during the long weekend, including beer and wine tasting as well as gastronomy.

This year, the Summer University will conclude with the awarding of certificates, which not only allow students to apply for the Duna Group Talent Program but also reward the first 50 registrants by June 30 with a pass to the Szeged Youth Days.

We look forward to your presence supporting the success of the event! Road? Bridge? Water construction? This is your place!

Location: BME, Kármán Tódor Students’ Hostel

Date: August 11-14

Catering: Full

Participation: Free, but registration is required

Registration: via this link



In addition to discussing the challenges of the M4, listeners can hear why the M44’s Tisza Bridge near Tiszaug is so special.

In February 2022, a new section of the M4 motorway was opened, providing a direct connection between Abony and Törökszentmiklós, bypassing Szolnok. The June episode of Spakli21 reveals the significant role the M4 plays in Hungary's transportation network and the unique aspects of its construction. The podcast also touches upon the most distinctive Tisza Bridge on the M44 expressway.

With the cooperation of the Media Division of the National Association of Construction Entrepreneurs (ÉVOSZ), the podcast featured:

  • József Pál, Deputy Project Manager of Duna Aszfalt Zrt.
  • István Lakatos, Project Manager of A-Híd Zrt.
  • Balázs Náray, the regular host of the show.

A Special Junction Posed Challenges for Contractors

Thanks to the M4, it is now possible to travel on a 2x2 lane road along one of Hungary’s most important main roads for an increasingly longer stretch. The construction of the new 27-kilometer section started in the summer of 2019 and was completed in February this year. Since its opening, two-thirds of transit traffic has shifted to the M4 section, said József Pál, reflecting on the period since its inauguration.

“There were several special aspects of the road construction, this included widening the old Route 4, but we also built entirely new tracks and established a special junction at Törökszentmiklós. This junction has many roundabouts, making it easy for non-locals to get lost. It was one of the most challenging tasks of the project”.

Flooding also created additional work for Duna Aszfalt’s experts, requiring new plans to be drawn up due to the elevated water levels on the levees. “We encountered almost everything imaginable during the construction.”

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