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Almost two billion forints will be spent on the renovation of the road section between Kunágota and Kevermes, executed by Duna Aszfalt company.

A new pavement and widened lanes for safer travel will be installed on a section of road 4438 in Békés County. The nearly 10-kilometer stretch between Kunágota, Dombiratos, and Kevermes will be widened to 6 meters. The necessary funding of almost two billion forints will be provided by the Territorial and Settlement Development Operational Program (TOP), and the investment is managed by Magyar Közút Nonprofit Zrt. The construction work will be carried out by Duna Aszfalt Zrt.

The road surface will receive two layers of asphalt, and the pavement structure will be replaced over approximately 5600 square meters. Additionally:

  • The road shoulders will be repaired,
  • New traffic signs (traffic lights, kilometre markers) will be installed,
  • Guardrails will be replaced with new ones,
  • Ditches and culverts will be cleaned, and
  • The bus bays will also be renovated.

The construction is expected to last until January 2023, with half-lane closures and traffic light control in place.


Opportunities for Employment and Making a Home in Hungary

For Hungary's construction industry, a key sector of the national economy, it is crucial to offer a realistic alternative to professionals currently working abroad within domestic circumstances. The National Association of Construction Companies (ÉVOSZ), an active organization representing the interests of the sector, has taken the initiative to present the state and future of the construction industry through the Construction Industry’s Homecoming Program,  showing the continuous improvement in domestic employment conditions, gives a picture of the elements of support for home building and family formation, and concrete job opportunities and conditions, and those monumental projects within the colleagues working in the country can take part, - in collaboration with four leading Hungarian companies (Duna Aszfalt Zrt., Óbuda Group, VIV Zrt., ZÁÉV Építőipari Zrt.) and the Consulate General of Hungary in Munich.

As part of the program, a homecoming event will be held on November 11, 2021, at 6:00 PM at the Consulate General of Hungary in Munich. This event provides an opportunity for in-person inquiries and discussion. The event is free, but registration is required due to a 40-person limit on in-person attendance. A ZOOM link will be provided for online participation to registered individuals. The registration link also allows for pre-submitted questions, which our experts will answer during the event.

Registration Link:  https://forms.gle/7EXyidVLX5Sa9tKi6

Event Program:

6:00 PM: Welcome speech by Gábor Tordai-Lejkó, Ambassador of the Consulate General of Hungary in Munich

6:10 PM: Presentation on the state of the Hungarian construction industry by László Koji, President of ÉVOSZ

6:25 PM: Information on government support by Norbert Izer, State Secretary for Tax Affairs, Ministry of Finance

6:40 PM: Introduction of domestic employment job opportunities by:

  • Duna Aszfalt Zrt.
  • Óbuda Group
  • VIV Zrt.
  • ZÁÉV Építőipari Zrt.

7:00 PM: Coffee break, buffet

7:30 PM: Individual consultations at the information tables of the four companies

Facebook Event Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1316183838802150?ref=newsfeed

The Homecoming Program does not end with this event, as our website will also be regularly updated with new content, information, and specific job opportunities after this event, so be sure to visit frequently: https://evosz.hu/%C3%A9p%C3%ADt%C5%91ipari-hazah%C3%ADv%C3%B3-program


Kalocsa-Paks New Duna Bridge

The visitor center for the New Duna Bridge project, being constructed on route 512 between Kalocsa and Paks, will welcome visitors on the following dates:

  • November 26, 2021 (Friday) at 13:00 – For the general public – Registration deadline: November 22, 2021 (Monday) at 12:00 We reserve the right to make changes!

For the safety of our colleagues and the construction process, only visitors with a valid immunity certificate will be allowed. The minimum group size is 8, and the maximum is 15 people. Only one tour can be arranged per occasion. Please note that without prior registration and meeting the minimum group size, we cannot accept groups. The planned duration of the program is 1-1.5 hours for general visitors and 1.5-2 hours for technical visitors, which includes a theoretical briefing using interactive tools and a walking tour near the engineering structure. The registration deadline is by 12:00 PM on the Monday of the week in question.

For engineers, investors, and operators, we offer the opportunity to view the project at a separately agreed time. Registration is possible via email at paks_dunahid@dunaaszfalt.hu.


The project aims to revitalize the local flora and fauna. Three of the four oxbow lakes were dredged, the banks were renovated, and continuous water replenishment was ensured.

The rehabilitation of the Dead-Tisza in Tiszakécske has been completed, reviving the wildlife in three oxbow lakes. The project, which began in 2017, aimed to revive the weakened aquatic habitats of recent decades, providing a suitable home for the area's fish, amphibian, and bird populations. The project was carried out by our company, Duna Aszfalt Zrt., and the technical handover is currently underway.

Achieving Adequate Water Replenishment

The 1.2 billion HUF project, implemented within the framework of the Environmental and Energy Efficiency Operational Program, accomplished all designated tasks:

  • Dredging of the 1st, 3rd, and 4th oxbow lakes and bank renovation happened.
  • Creation of a nature trail.
  • Ensuring water replenishment with engineering structures.

The program was carried out under the leadership of the Kiskunság National Park, in cooperation with the Municipality of Tiszakécske and the Middle Tisza Region Water Directorate. At the event presenting the results in Tiszakécske, the stakeholders emphasized the significance of the development.

A Prime Hiking Destination

János Tóth, Mayor of Tiszakécske, recalled that the renovation of the four oxbow lakes in the area had been a city goal for several years. "Accordingly, the previous city administration completed the dredging and rehabilitation of the 2nd oxbow lake. Subsequently, the city - also on its own - carried out certain level renovations of the 3rd oxbow lake." He highlighted that a prime hiking destination was created for the locals, offering nature study opportunities for local educational institutions through the nature trail also for environment classes. During these activities, children can learn about the valuable wildlife of the Dead-Tisza and the functioning of nature conservation.

Eliminating Extremely Poor Conditions

Ernő Kovács, Government Commissioner of the Bács-Kiskun County Government Office, recalled that the rehabilitated oxbow lakes were previously in extremely poor, neglected condition, filled with trash. "Many were unaware of the natural treasure nearby," he noted. He recognized the need to restore this area during his mayoral term. After winning the tender, he participated in mapping the area and assessing how it is worth to begin the work.

Tourist Attraction

The government commissioner told in his answer to magyarepitok.hu that he considers the rejuvenation of the oxbow lakes significant also from a tourism perspective, as it will attract many locals and visitors from other parts of the country to the revitalized Dead-Tisza. Moreover, part of the area is planned to be opened for water sports in the future, without disturbing the peace of hikers and anglers. On behalf of the contractor Csaba Varga, the regional director of Duna Aszfalt Zrt., called the revitalized Dead-Tisza a jewel box during his speech. He personally considers the value conserving project important since he grew up near one of the oxbow lakes.

Revived Oxbow Lakes

Csaba Varga explained that the project involved rehabilitating three of the four Tisza oxbow lakes: dredging the 3rd and 4th oxbow lakes was relatively straightforward. However, he highlighted the rehabilitation of the 1st oxbow lake, which posed a significant challenge for Duna Aszfalt’s experts but was ultimately successful. The 1st oxbow lake required complete drainage for silt dredging, and the fish stock had to be relocated during this period. The regional director thanked the Tiszakécske and Surroundings Sports Fishing Association for their assistance, without which this phase of the work would not have been possible.

A Unique Nature Trail with Bird Watching

Within the multi-part project, Varga Csaba is perhaps most proud of the new nature trail, which features 12 stops over 2500 meters, showcasing the wildlife and treasures of the Tisza. The information boards along the route provide insights into the river's fish and bird populations, and the bird watching spots and birdhouses allow for close observation.

The regional director of Duna Aszfalt highlighted the adequate water replenishment of the oxbow lakes as a momentous goal of the project. He considered it an important achievement that due the structure built as part of the project now continuous refreshing and consistent water replenishment for the oxbow lakes is ensured, eliminating previous water shortage problems. The renovated sluices also ensure water transfer between the oxbow lakes.

Planning for the Future

Speaking to magyarepitok.hu, János Tóth stated that the just-completed development not only creates new opportunities for locals but is also part of a comprehensive tourism strategy that has been shaping since 2014. "At that time, we had a hotel without any attractions, and it was already clear that Tiszakécske needed to be developed from a tourism perspective," the mayor pointed out. He added that accordingly, the Tiszakécske projects financed from the TOP included a water tour stop on the Tisza, a lookout tower, and the development of the local narrow-gauge railway, whose endpoint is not far from the now-renovated oxbow lakes. "The rehabilitation of the Dead-Tisza can clearly be classified as such since it creates a tourism attraction based on our wonderful natural assets for nature lovers."

He also mentioned that the 1st oxbow lake serves as a training ground for the kayaking and canoeing training launched in the city four years ago. "The beginner children can learn to swim and then paddle here before continuing their training on the Living Tisza. We are proud that in such a short time, we have managed to train six national team kayakers." The mayor also revealed plans for similar future developments, including the creation of a dock for recreational boating on the Living Tisza near one of the narrow-gauge railway's endpoints.


The project will last for a year and a half, with the construction and renovation of sidewalks on 160 streets expected to be carried out by Hódút Kft., a company within our group.

The largest sidewalk construction program in the history of Békéscsaba has begun, with the government providing 2.3 billion forints – it was announced at the onsite press conference on Monday. The project will be implemented by Hódút Kft., according to the procurement announcement.

Péter Szarvas, the mayor (Hajrá Békéscsaba Association), described the development program as historic in scale, noting that such a large amount has never been allocated for sidewalk renovations in Békéscsaba. In his latest post on social media, the mayor stated that in the first phase of the four-phase development, 35 sidewalk sections will be completed, with work already started this month in 17 locations.

Project could be completed by the end of 2022

The project will last for a year and a half, and it is expected that sidewalks on 160 streets will be constructed or renovated. The investment will cover approximately 65,000 meters in length and 75,500 square meters of sidewalk surface. The entire project is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2022.

In addition to the sidewalk renovation program, the government has provided more than seven billion forints to Békéscsaba for road network development as part of the Modern Cities program. By the end of 2022, road construction or renovation work will take place in more than 80 streets, with the first phase of the program already underway.


Summary of the Days Spent at the Summer University.

The students visited the unique cart-shaped bridge under construction over the Tisza River on the M44 and the road 83 construction project connecting Pápa to the expressway network, and the evenings concluded with beer and wine tastings.

Following the prominent successful ending of last year's Duna Group Summer University, the leading Hungarian infrastructure development group decided to continue the initiative. Thus, from last Thursday to Saturday evening, students participated in a variety of theoretical and practical professional programs all three days long and relaxed together in a pleasant atmosphere at the end of each day. Students from all civil engineering programs across the country attended the event, including:

  • Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)
  • University of Debrecen
  • National University of Public Service (NKE) Baja Faculty
  • University of Pécs
  • Széchenyi István University in Győr
  • and last but not least Ybl Miklós Faculty of Óbuda University

thus, many students got to know each other and the circle in which they will spend their careers.

Values of the Duna Group

The first day started at the Kármán Tódor Students’ Hostel in the capital, where the 70 participants were welcomed by László Szíjj, the owner of Duna Group, before the professional lectures on the latest trends in the industry.

László Szíjj expressed his gratitude to the students for accepting the invitation and was pleased with the lively interest surrounding the construction summer university. Answering students' questions, he spoke about the three-decade history of Duna Aszfalt and the core values necessary for growth as well.

From ZalaZone to the M44 Bridge

The event's main organizer, Péter Kincses, highlighted in his speech that the focus of the event would be on digital construction, an area where the Duna Group leads in infrastructure building.

After that the lectures covered the unique Zala test track, the road 83 project, and the bridge constructions by the Duna Group. (Currently, the group is working on the Tisza bridges of the M4 and M44, the reconstruction of the Southern Connecting Railway Bridge in Budapest, and the Kalocsa-Paks Danube bridge construction.)

Innovation and Practical Experience

On the second day, students visited one of the Duna Group’s (and at the same time of Hungary’s) most modern asphalt mixing plants near Tét, which will also serve the construction of the Győr-Pápa expressway 83. Here, they learned in detail about the work processes and the number of the steps required to produce perfect asphalt, gaining insights into laboratory tasks as well.

Laboratory, Machinery, and a Wine Tasting in Etyek in the Evening

Afterward, they visited construction site of the road 83, where Duna Aszfalt is building the 2x2 lane road section between Pápa and Tét using digital construction technology of pioneering importance, InfraBIM. Students could sit in the machinery and experience road construction on-site. The 30-degree day ended with a cool cellar visit and a mood-boosting wine tasting at Hernyák Estate in Etyek, then they returned to Budapest for more relaxation in a definitely elevated mood.

Hungary’s Most Spectacular Bridge Under Construction and Kecskemét Beer Manufactory

Despite the previous night’s fun, students gathered enthusiastically at 7:30 AM the next day for setting off as they visited then the nearly complete, cart-shaped bridge over the Tisza River on the M44 at Tiszaug, and the nearby asphalt mixing plant in Lakitelek, where they learned about another spectrum of Duna Group's innovations. At the end of the professional programs at three o’clock in the afternoon, they already headed to the Kecskemét Beer Manufactory to learn about proper beer tasting and brewing methods as well. Then they could be awarded with their certificates for the completion of the summer university in an increasingly elevated mood.

Hands-on Experience, Professional Technology, Great Fun

The students were also enthusiastic about the event: Áron Kovács from the Ybl Miklós Faculty of Óbuda University among others highlighted the importance of on-site practice. He was noting that the program was a great opportunity for civil engineering students to gain direct experience in their future work, something not always possible at university.

Others emphasized the importance of networking within the profession: Bernadett Csatári (also from Ybl) mentioned the chance to meet potential future colleagues as the infrastructure engineering students from other universities attended the event as well. Tamás Selinger from NKE's Water Science Faculty among others mentioned that he was most happy about the fact that he could met such a high standard of road construction in Hungary that is classified as a high one even in Europe. He noted that "the great surplus for me was that I could see with my own eyes that the Hungarian road construction and technology is of such a high quality I wouldn’t even think of", respectively added that ‘here he could see projects of such high quality that ordinary persons wouldn’t expected to see domestically.

Besides profession entertainment also was mentioned, students finally couldn’t decide whether they enjoyed the beer or wine tasting more.

Creating Value for Civil Engineers

At the end of the event, organizer Péter Kincses concluded for magyarepitok.hu: “I firmly believe we achieved the main goals of the Summer University. We successfully showcased the variety of exciting projects in infrastructure building at Duna Group and we created such an event that is unique in the country, turning it into a tradition, into a common value for the future civil engineers in front of our eyes.

According to Péter Kincses, "the upcoming generation of infrastructure engineers represents an entirely new line where digital solutions are already part of everyday life, making innovative solutions easily understandable to them, those being a key for the future growth of Hungarian companies."

Organizers are also entitled to thanks

The expert who gave an interview after having completed a long week-end and was however enthusiastic laid a separate emphasis on the energy of the employees of Duna Group put into the event. "Everyone was extremely well-prepared and showed worthily that such a company was hosting the young that has over 1,700 employees and could still maintain a family-like atmosphere, that could absolutely be attractive for them as well".

Finally, Péter Kincses reminded them that they also created the Duna Group Talent Development program after last year’s Summer University that already stirred up a great interest at its launching. "I obviously believe that the interest in the talent development program will also be even greater following this year’s summer school," he concluded.




The Duna Group Summer University has launched for the second time, this time focusing on digital construction.

On Thursday at noon in Budapest, the Duna Aszfalt Zrt. inaugurated the second Duna Group Summer University, as revealed in a statement from the organizers. In addition to providing a three-day meeting for future engineers, this event, the largest student event in the construction industry, also aims to promote the sector.

According to the summary, this year's event also attracted significant interest, with all spots filled within a few weeks, and finally, 70 students began the programs on Thursday. Participants once again came from all over the country, including students from universities in Debrecen, Győr, Pécs, and Baja, as well as representatives from the capital’s Óbuda University Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and the Budapest University of Technology and Economics.

InfraBIM Takes Center Stage

On the first day, held at the Kármán Tódor Dormitory in Budapest, the owner of the Duna Group, who brought the summer university to life, welcomed the participants. László Szíjj especially thanked the students for accepting the invitation and expressed his delight at the vibrant interest in the construction industry summer university. Answering students' questions, he also spoke about Duna Aszfalt's three-decade history, showcasing the core values necessary for development.

Péter Kincses, the main organizer, also spoke on the opening day, revealing that this year's event was built on the success of last year's. "However, the focus now will be on digital construction, in which the Duna Group is a leader in infrastructure construction. Accordingly, InfraBIM will be the main theme both on the innovation day and during the project tour of Highway 83."

The Summer University and Talent Development are the results of hard work

Among the event's goals, Péter Kincses highlighted their desire to show future engineers the innovations at Hungary's leading road construction company. "Moreover, the summer university personally introduces the industry to the student group that represents its future. In addition to this, we help participants find professional internships and thesis topics, and we even offer job opportunities."

He also pointed out that students can apply to the Duna Group Talent Development Program at the end of the summer university, with the certificate they receive. This program was launched this spring by the group, making it the most comprehensive student program of its kind in the country. "These two programs are one of the largest commitments in the construction industry for future talent. It’s important to note that this requires not just financial investment but also a significant amount of time, energy, and knowledge from experts."

Team Building Also Plays a Role

The Duna Group Summer University spans three days, starting with an innovation day in the capital and then moving to rural locations, covering two significant construction projects in the country. On Friday, participants will tour the Highway 83 expressway project between Pápa and Győr, and the next day, they will visit the unique Tisza Bridge project on the M44, which is notable even on a European level.

Team building, crucial for the industry's future, also features prominently over the long weekend: a wine tasting in Etyek on Friday and a beer tasting in Kecskemét on Saturday add color to the program.


The automotive test track has reached 90 percent completion and is set to be finished by the end of the year.

A new component of the ZalaZone automotive test track was unveiled, marked by a press conference at the site on Thursday, according to zaol.hu. The 70 x 600 meter surface is designed for testing ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems). This ADAS surface at the ZalaZone test track serves as a dedicated site for such tests and was constructed by Duna Aszfalt Zrt.

During the examination of advanced driver assistance systems, autonomous vehicles can be tested in various traffic situations. Typically, these scenarios simulate traffic situations with a risk of collision. Autonomous vehicles and dummies represent obstacles, with dummies including passenger cars, adult and child pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists. Any potential collision with these dummies causes no damage to either the test vehicle or the dummy, as the dummies, which break apart upon impact, can be reassembled.

Ongoing Testing

It was stated at the briefing that the automotive test track has reached 90 percent completion. The currently planned construction phase is to be completed by the end of the year, with the handover scheduled for March. However, this is not the final state; further development will continue with new investments expected based on demand. Currently, tests are ongoing, with five companies simultaneously able to test seventy vehicles under various conditions.

Duna Aszfalt plays a major role in the ZalaZone project, having implemented numerous significant track elements at the test track, which is considered unique in Europe. In July, the first element of the military off-road track, constructed in collaboration with Szabadics Zrt., was handed over. Recently, the motorway section built by Duna Aszfalt was also completed and has been in use since June. The test track-specific elements, central to the ZalaZone project, were designed by Főmterv Zrt., while ZÁÉV Zrt. played a significant role in high-rise construction, executing several buildings.


Duna Aszfalt is constructing utility and water supply systems, noise measurement facilities, telecommunication infrastructure, and area lighting elements.

Autóipari Próbapálya Zala Kft. (Automotive Test Track Zala Ltd.) has announced the results of its latest public procurement for the Zalaegerszeg automotive test track. According to the TED announcement, the winning bidder, Duna Aszfalt Zrt., will build a car wash on the north side of the gas station and expand the parking lot of the Technical Building.

In addition to these tasks, Duna Aszfalt will carry out the following supplementary works:

  • Construction of utilities and water supply for the track wetting of the Hills Module and the low-speed handling track;
  • Installation of area lighting in the parking lots of the Reception Building, Technical Building, Brake Surface, Dynamic Surface, and ADAS surfaces;
  • Construction of a telecommunication infrastructure subsystem for the highway module;
  • Creation of a noise measurement surface;
  • Development of the drainage system related to the brake surface (BP);
  • Erection of a fence between the university facilities and the test track.

The works will be completed this year

Duna Aszfalt has already played a major role in the ZalaZone project, having implemented several significant track elements on this unique test track in Europe. Most recently, in July, the first element of the military off-road track, which was jointly constructed with Szabadics Zrt., was handed over by the Hungarian company. Duna Aszfalt also recently completed the construction of the highway section, which was put into use in June. With the high-speed highway section and previously constructed track elements, the test track's completion level exceeded 90 percent in June. This large-scale project is expected to be completed by the end of the year, as per the original plans. The specific elements of the self-driving car test track, which are the core of the ZalaZone project, were designed by Főmterv Zrt., while ZÁÉV Zrt. played a significant role in overground construction, executing several buildings.


Visit the under-construction Kalocsa-Paks Danube Bridge!

The visitor centre for the new Dan ube Bridge being built between Kalocsa and Paks on Road 512 is open to the public at the following times:

  • (Friday) July the 2nd 2021 at 13:00 PM – For the general public - Registration deadline: (Wednesday) June the 30th 2021 by 12:00 PM
  • (Friday) June the 30th 2021 at 13:00 PM – For the general public - Registration deadline: (Monday) July the 26th 2021 by 12:00 PM

Note: Dates are subject to change.

For the safety of our staff and to ensure the security of the construction site, only those with a valid COVID-19 immunity certificate can be admitted, and wearing a protective mask is mandatory in enclosed spaces.

Visitor group size may be minimum of 8 and maximum of 15 people per visit. Each date accommodates only one group. Please note that without prior registration and if the minimum group size is not met, we cannot accept visitors. The planned duration of the visit is 1-1.5 hours for the general public and 1.5-2 hours for professional organizations. This includes mandatory safety training, an interactive briefing on the project and its progress, and a guided tour in the vicinity of the engineering structure. Visitors are requested to wear appropriate, closed shoes due to the nature of the construction site. All necessary safety equipment (protective vest, helmet) will be provided on-site.

For engineers, investors, and operators, special viewing times can be arranged once a month by appointment.

To register: Please send an email to paks_dunahid@dunaaszfalt.hu.



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