Dear Visitor,

By filling out the form below, you can submit a report against Duna Aszfalt Zrt. or any company belonging to its group under the scope of Act XXV of 2023 concerning complaints, whistleblowing and notification of abuses.

For detailed information regarding the investigation of reports and the handling of personal data disclosed therein, please refer to the Information NoteNotice on the Operation of the Whistleblowing System.

To successfully submit your report, please ensure that all fields marked with an * are completed. Note that reports can also be submitted anonymously.

By completing and submitting this form, I declare that:

(i) I am making the report in good faith;
(ii) I have read and understood the document titled Information NoteNotice on the Operation of the Whistleblowing System;
(iii) I voluntarily and without restriction consent to the processing of the personal data I provided while completing this form.

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