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Duna Aszfalt is constructing utility and water supply systems, noise measurement facilities, telecommunication infrastructure, and area lighting elements.

Autóipari Próbapálya Zala Kft. (Automotive Test Track Zala Ltd.) has announced the results of its latest public procurement for the Zalaegerszeg automotive test track. According to the TED announcement, the winning bidder, Duna Aszfalt Zrt., will build a car wash on the north side of the gas station and expand the parking lot of the Technical Building.

In addition to these tasks, Duna Aszfalt will carry out the following supplementary works:

  • Construction of utilities and water supply for the track wetting of the Hills Module and the low-speed handling track;
  • Installation of area lighting in the parking lots of the Reception Building, Technical Building, Brake Surface, Dynamic Surface, and ADAS surfaces;
  • Construction of a telecommunication infrastructure subsystem for the highway module;
  • Creation of a noise measurement surface;
  • Development of the drainage system related to the brake surface (BP);
  • Erection of a fence between the university facilities and the test track.

The works will be completed this year

Duna Aszfalt has already played a major role in the ZalaZone project, having implemented several significant track elements on this unique test track in Europe. Most recently, in July, the first element of the military off-road track, which was jointly constructed with Szabadics Zrt., was handed over by the Hungarian company. Duna Aszfalt also recently completed the construction of the highway section, which was put into use in June. With the high-speed highway section and previously constructed track elements, the test track's completion level exceeded 90 percent in June. This large-scale project is expected to be completed by the end of the year, as per the original plans. The specific elements of the self-driving car test track, which are the core of the ZalaZone project, were designed by Főmterv Zrt., while ZÁÉV Zrt. played a significant role in overground construction, executing several buildings.

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