Duna Group Európa

The history of the company actually dates back to 1949.

The present-day Duna Group Európa company has several decades of professional experience. Hódmezővásárhelyi Útépítő Kft. (Hódút Kft.) was established in 1992, with its predecessor being the Szentesi Útfenntartó Nemzeti Vállalat founded in 1949. This entity later operated under the name Hódmezővásárhelyi Közúti Építő Vállalat in Southeast Hungary.

Since 2007, as a member of the Duna Group, the company has primarily engaged in laboratory activities but has also been actively involved in several construction projects as a general contractor. The company's wide-ranging activities include road renovation, road construction, bridge construction, and completion of environmental investments. Additionally, they play a significant role in certified laboratory activities.

Some of the key projects of Duna Group Európa include:

-Renovation of Main Road 471

-Construction of the M35 motorway section between Main Road 481 and Berettyóújfalu

-Construction of several sections of the M44 motorway

-Construction of the eastern bypass of Győr as part of the SHS Consortium

-Construction of the bicycle path between Poroszló and Tiszafüred

-Construction of the eastern bypass of Nagylak

-Construction of the M30 section between Encs and Tornyosnémeti

-Participation in the construction of the new Komárom Danube Bridge and the Körös Bridge on the M44 expressway

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