
Extraordinary information on the closing of a foreign acquisition

Duna Aszfalt Zrt. (cPLC) informs the public, its creditors and bond investors that as part of its business development plans in Central and Eastern Europe, the agreement according to which they would acquire the Mota-Engil Central Europe group in Poland has been successfully concluded, the acquisition has been closed.

Mota-Engil Central Europe (MECE) group of companies is an active participator in Poland’s construction and real estate market that will continue its operation as Duna Polska S.A., and MEREM, the company branch that deals expressly with real estate development will further operate in Poland under the name Duna Polska Real Estate Sp. z o.o., already as a member of Duna Group as well.

This successful acquisition will enhance Duna Group’s international presence, strengthen its role in the construction industry, and help it to achieve the status of a Hungarian-owned regional medium-sized enterprise.

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