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New asphalt payment for patients at he Hospital in Gyula


From today, the Gyula hospital welcomes patients with better and safer conditions thanks to the cooperation of Duna Aszfalt Zrt.

The Pándy Kálmán member hospital of the Békés County Central Hospital has received significant support: the previously dangerous and deteriorated 850 square meters of pavement has been completely renewed near the Semmelweis building, benefiting patients and visitors alike. Additionally, instead of a non-functional entrance lift, a new reinforced concrete ramp has been constructed to facilitate access to the institution.

The new pavement and reinforced concrete ramp were donated to the hospital by the contractor, Duna Aszfalt Zrt. Even at cost price, the value of this support exceeds twenty-five million forints.

"The road surface in front of the Pediatrics and Obstetrics-Gynecology departments in the Semmelweis building of the Pándy Kálmán Member Hospital has worn out significantly over the years. The new asphalt pavement, implemented by Duna Aszfalt Zrt. with proper rainwater drainage, has made access to the building safer. Ambulances, strollers, and pedestrians can now approach the building via the barrier-free, renovated section of the road," said Dr. László Becsei, the Chief Medical Director of Gyula Hospital.

The official handover ceremony was attended by Dr. József Kovács, Member of Parliament, Dr. László Becsei, Chief Medical Director, Béla Puskás, Regional Director of Duna Aszfalt Zrt., and László Tóth, Chairman of the Board of Duna Aszfalt Zrt.

"In the nearly 35-year history of our Company, charitable activities have always been of paramount importance, particularly in the healthcare sector, whether it's about renovation or equipment procurement; we are also present in the sports world as sponsors of several domestic teams," added László Tóth, Chairman of the Board of Duna Aszfalt Zrt.

The company regularly supports domestic healthcare institutions, as it did recently by providing the Bács-Kiskun County Teaching Hospital with equipment worth thirty million forints. The Pediatric Cardiology Department and Pulmonology Department of the Kecskemét hospital received each valuable instruments necessary for their work.

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