
Rating of Duna Aszfalt Zrt.'s Bonds in 2024

On October the 17th 2019, Duna Aszfalt Zrt. /cPLC/ (then Ltd.) issued bonds worth HUF 30 billion under the Growth Bond Program announced by the National Bank of Hungary. The bonds have a 10-year term, a fixed annual interest rate of 2.99%, and the capital will have to be repaid in one lump sum at the end. The bonds were later registered in the XBond multilateral trading system operated by the Budapest Stock Exchange Zrt. on April the 6th  2020.

Our company intends to use the funds from the issuance to diversify its activities and expand its operational scale through acquisitions and new projects.

In 2024, Scope Ratings GmbH, an independent German rating agency, assessed again the bonds issued by Duna Aszfalt based on the financial analysis of the company group. As a result, the company's rating remained at BB- and the bonds' rating at BB with a stable outlook, representing a favourable perspective of the Duna Aszfalt group despite the economic challenges of 2024.

The full publication is available in English at the following link:

Publication in English

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