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OUR WORKS I Special Construction Projects

Tunnel, car factory infrastructure, test track. In recent years, we have completed numerous special infrastructure projects, among which the construction of the M85 Vienna-hill tunnel, the civil engineering works for the Mercedes-Benz factory in Kecskemét, and the development of the car manufacture test track in Zalaegerszeg stand out. These projects not only posed technical challenges but also provided an opportunity to demonstrate our domestic expertise.

M4-es autóút (Magyarország)

Fertőrákos – Sopron / Hungary / 2019 - 2024


This project was a significant challenge in domestic infrastructure development as it provided an opportunity to build a complete tunnel for the first time in a long while. The Duna Group project includes the construction of the M85 expressway section between Fertőrákos and the Sopron border, incorporating a 780-meter-long twin tunnel through Vienna Hill and the construction of the Sopron NW bypass section of road 8647. The expressway will feature two engineering structures and a grade-separated junction, while road 8647 will have three roundabout junctions, five engineering structures, and a railway crossing.

The construction is progressing in high quality and on schedule, safely managed by Hungarian experts and our specialized machinery. Designing and constructing such a tunnel presents numerous challenges, particularly due to geological uncertainties. Developing the interior installation system also poses challenges, but our teams are performing excellently!


Zalaegerszeg / Hungary / 2020 - 2021


The project took a total of 13 months, during which we completed the construction of various track elements: significant portions of the highway, such as sections SLA, SLB, SLC, SLD, SLE, as well as the B2 bridge engineering structure and the RBC1 and RBC2 roundabouts. We also executed the Smart City zone, and in addition to building the new western road, we successfully completed the construction of main road sections and service roads.

We put strong emphasis on the development of the low-speed manoeuvrability track, as well as the ADAS surface and the "hills module." Constructing the university test track and various lightweight test buildings were also our tasks. Additionally, setting up fuel stations and water management tasks such as building a perimeter ditch and water management played significant roles; we also built numerous other structures during the project.


Kecskemét / Hungary / 2009 - 2011


During the construction of the Mercedes factory in Kecskemét, we participated in land levelling, the construction of transport facilities, backfilling archaeological trenches, land levelling for the I-Park, building its transportation facilities, and the construction of the factory's test track. The latter required specialized expertise: the track included a high-speed track with a banked curve, a sleeper road section, and a wave track. Numerous sub-tasks were associated with the project: large-scale earthworks, soil improvement, construction of sidewalks and parking lots, the creation of drainage systems, and finally, the grassing of green areas.

Building the Mercedes factory was Duna Aszfalt's first major project and the largest privately financed investment. The use of new technologies and communication methods posed special challenges.


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