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OUR WORKS I Special projects

We have undertaken numerous special projects over the years, including the construction of a flood level-reducing reservoir in the Nagykunság region, the production of a road bridge steel structure for the Kvia River in Iceland, the construction of a road overpass structure in Trondheim, Norway, and the revitalization of a water tower in Zabrze, Poland. These projects represent unique technological solutions and environmental considerations, contributing to the development and sustainability of the respective areas.

M4-es autóút (Magyarország)

Trondheim / Norway / 2023

SAUPSTADBRUA Road Overpass / Steel Structure

The manufacturing of the new road overpass steel structure in Trondheim, Norway, was carried out on condition that on-site assembly work should be minimized. Therefore, the size of the transport elements and their factory completion level had to be maximized. The closed box frame main beam is a high-strength welded structure that was made with double-sided brackets.

The weight of the transport units sometimes exceeded 50 tons, and their width reached 6 meters. The elements were checked by our specialists through trial assembly in the factory. One of the challenges of the project was meeting the strict Norwegian requirements, such as corrosion protection: the protective layer had to be applied by metal spraying and multiple layers of topcoat.


Vasszentmihály, Körmend / Hungary / 2018 - 2021

Vasszentmihály Valley Bridge – M80

The 585-meter-long valley bridge between Vasszentmihály and Körmend spans a 24-meter-deep valley. It is not only the largest bridge on the M80 highway but also one of Hungary's longest valley bridges. Its structure is a 10-span steel girder composite bridge, consisting of an 11-support beam bridge with intermediate spans of 60 meters.

According to the designers, the design of the composite bridge was practically a routine task, but coordinating the design of the product with the contractor's ideas and the technological requirements made the process unique and interesting. The real challenge, however, was solving the problems arising during the push process and continuously developing the technology.


Milléri Pumping Station, Education and Recreation Center Area / Hungary / 2019 - 2021

Gábor Karcagi Flood Defense Training Ground

This unique training ground in Europe is located in the outskirts of Szolnok, near the Milléri pumping station, education, and recreation center, within the operational area of the Middle Tisza Region Water Directorate.

The project's main goal was to regulate flood phenomena, which was served by the construction of the training ground, whose most important facility is the hexagonal flood protection embankment. Additionally, the implementation plan included 35 water engineering structures and 8 other facilities (e.g., warehouse, material depot, road, parking lot, etc.). Furthermore, a swale and perimeter embankment were created, the filling-draining pipes of the basins and the drain pipeline of the drainage ditch were put at their place, and a flood protection sluice was built.

The Karcagi Gábor Flood Defense Training Ground serves to demonstrate and practice methods against harmful flood phenomena. It provides an opportunity for students of specialized secondary schools and universities to get acquainted with flood phenomena and the technical solutions for their defence. It supports targeted research work and the preparation of flood protection-related PhD theses. The training ground allows for practicing 31 different tasks, including 14 priority defence tasks, 11 hydrometeorological tasks, and 6 mechanical engineering tasks.


Tiszakécske / Hungary / 2020 - 2021

Tiszakécske Narrow Gauge Railway Reconstruction

The Tiszakécske narrow gauge railway, built in the 1970s, was reconstructed by Közgép. The project involved renovating both the locomotive and a small carriage, as well as the track.

A portion of the 1.2-kilometer rail pair was removed, followed by the construction of an additional 1,000 meters of track to the remaining 600-meter section, allowing visitors to Tiszakécske to now travel across five stops from the Lübbecke House to the Tisza River bank recreational area.

The locomotive and carriages were restored to their original condition. The work extended from renovating the switches and replacing the motor's fuel and cooling systems to the smallest last details. Additionally, a stove was installed in the carriage. The interiors were lacquered, while the exteriors were painted.

The narrow-gauge railway route connects local tourist attractions, further enhancing domestic tourism.


Zabrze / Poland / 2018 - 2021

Zamoyskiego Water Tower

The Zamoyskiego Street water tower in Zabrze is one of the city's symbols and a gem of industrial architecture, even within the historic region of Silesia in Central Europe. Built between 1907 and 1909, it was a prominent element of the city's water supply network. For a long time, the neglected tower was considered for demolition, but the city purchased the facility and redefined its function. Its revitalization was ordered to serve social, educational, scientific, and cultural purposes.

The project for the renovation and reconstruction of the water tower included comprehensive construction and installation work, the acquisition of equipment, and land development. Thanks to the revitalization, the water tower has become one of the popular visiting points along the European Route of Industrial Heritage.


Kvia River / Iceland / 2020

Kvia Bridge / Steel Structure

A new road bridge was built over the Kvia River in Iceland, following the demolition of the old bridge, as part of the Icelandic coastal Route 1. The bridge has a higher capacity, with steel main girders and a reinforced concrete deck. Our plant in Poland manufactured two parallel closed-box steel main girders. The welded boxes were inspected internally to ensure corrosion protection, and the elements were provided with corrosion protection suitable for the island's climate during production.


Poroszló – Tiszafüred / Hungary / 2017 - 2020

Tisza Lake Cycle Path Special Closing Section

Between the two settlements of Poroszló and Tiszafüred, it was necessary to facilitate cyclists' crossing over several water surfaces. The Tisza Lake's water surface had to be crossed in two places, the Tisza River, and one of the channels serving the lake's water supply. The "Implementation of the Cycle Path between Poroszló and Tiszafüred" project, completed by Hódút Kft., part of the Duna Group, resulted in the closure of the cycle path around Tisza Lake.

The construction, while maintaining traffic on Route 33, included building bridges over the Eger Creek, Szomorka Creek, the Tisza for cyclists, the X. Flushing Channel (an openable "Dutch type" bridge), 2 retaining walls, and about 6.5 kilometers of cycle path.

We are very proud of this special project, which has been appreciated by professional and civic organizations. In 2020, it won the Steel Structure of the Year award from the Hungarian Steel Structure Association, and a year later, in 2021, it was also awarded the Bicycle Path of the Year title.


Tczew / Poland / 2015 - 2018

Tczew Monument Railway Bridge

The reconstruction and renovation of the Vistula River bridge in Tczew, Poland, took place between 2015 and 2016 and again in 2018. The Tczew bridge is a historic structure over 150 years old. Built in the mid-19th century, it was the longest bridge in Europe at the time (837 meters).

It was constructed to enable the busy Berlin-Krolewiec railway line operate. The iron bridge, with a foundation stone laid by King Friedrich Wilhelm IV, was designed by engineer Carl Lentz and built with modern technical and design solutions of that era. Supported by seven main pillars, it had ten towers and two gates with beautiful portals. Today, only four of the characteristic towers remained.


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