DUNA ASZFALT ÚT ÉS MÉLYÉPÍTŐ KORLÁTOLT FELELŐSSÉGŰ TÁRSASÁG (seat: 6060 Tiszakécske, 150, Béke Street; company registration number: 03-09-105290) ("Issuer") hereby informs its investors and other interested parties that the DUNA ASZFALT 2029/A bonds (ISIN: HU0000359229), issued on October the 17th 2019, with a total nominal value of HUF 30 billion, a 10-year term, and a fixed 2.99% coupon, were registered in the XBond multilateral trading system operated by the Budapest Stock Exchange Zrt. on April the 6th 2020. The Issuer will publish the detailed description of the bonds in the Information Document approved by the BÉT.
Connected appendices in Hungarian:
Duna_Aszfalt_alapító okirat_20191127
Nyelvhasználati hirdetmény_Duna Aszfalt
Információs Dokumentum_2. melléklet_beszamolo_2018