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Below, you Find the Description of How We Constructed the New Section of the M4 Motorway – Our Colleague was a Guest on Spakli21


In addition to discussing the challenges of the M4, listeners can hear why the M44’s Tisza Bridge near Tiszaug is so special.

In February 2022, a new section of the M4 motorway was opened, providing a direct connection between Abony and Törökszentmiklós, bypassing Szolnok. The June episode of Spakli21 reveals the significant role the M4 plays in Hungary's transportation network and the unique aspects of its construction. The podcast also touches upon the most distinctive Tisza Bridge on the M44 expressway.

With the cooperation of the Media Division of the National Association of Construction Entrepreneurs (ÉVOSZ), the podcast featured:

  • József Pál, Deputy Project Manager of Duna Aszfalt Zrt.
  • István Lakatos, Project Manager of A-Híd Zrt.
  • Balázs Náray, the regular host of the show.

A Special Junction Posed Challenges for Contractors

Thanks to the M4, it is now possible to travel on a 2x2 lane road along one of Hungary’s most important main roads for an increasingly longer stretch. The construction of the new 27-kilometer section started in the summer of 2019 and was completed in February this year. Since its opening, two-thirds of transit traffic has shifted to the M4 section, said József Pál, reflecting on the period since its inauguration.

“There were several special aspects of the road construction, this included widening the old Route 4, but we also built entirely new tracks and established a special junction at Törökszentmiklós. This junction has many roundabouts, making it easy for non-locals to get lost. It was one of the most challenging tasks of the project”.

Flooding also created additional work for Duna Aszfalt’s experts, requiring new plans to be drawn up due to the elevated water levels on the levees. “We encountered almost everything imaginable during the construction.”

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