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What do we mean by “Summer University”?


The place, where you can know the future infrastructure builders.

Welcome to those who have been invited by the Duna Group to the third Summer University!

This year marks the third occasion we organize the alma mater for civil engineering students, the Duna Group Summer University. Our professional event series aims to personally introduce the future builders of infrastructure to each other already during their student years in a relaxed atmosphere.

The four-day program series of the Duna Group Summer University is completely free for the invitees!

We aim to provide participants with an opportunity to gain insight into the behind-the-scenes aspects of the infrastructure construction profession while potentially forming lifelong acquaintances with students from the five invited universities.

The Duna Group Summer University will once again feature the most interesting programs, with a central focus on innovation, particularly infraBIM. Accordingly, we will visit one of the country's most significant bridge construction projects in Paks, followed by a visit to the ZalaZone test track, which is considered a rarity at the European level. For the first time this year, the Duna Group Talent Program, the most comprehensive engineering training program alongside university education, will also be introduced.

In addition to industry topics, team-building will also have a place during the long weekend, including beer and wine tasting as well as gastronomy.

This year, the Summer University will conclude with the awarding of certificates, which not only allow students to apply for the Duna Group Talent Program but also reward the first 50 registrants by June 30 with a pass to the Szeged Youth Days.

We look forward to your presence supporting the success of the event! Road? Bridge? Water construction? This is your place!

Location: BME, Kármán Tódor Students’ Hostel

Date: August 11-14

Catering: Full

Participation: Free, but registration is required

Registration: via this link


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